30th November 2009, www.dailynews.lk, By Sanjeevi Jayasuriya
Being a Directress in a group of companies and shouldering responsibility in its diversified activities is no doubt a huge task. Arlene Saparamadu has emerged as a busy businesswoman heading Kent Display Systems, a successful business venture. A working woman she takes pleasure in whatever she does.She was interviewed

by Daily News Business.
Q. What is the type of your business and how do you set about it?
A. Kent was setup in 1992 with an exclusive philosophy introducing new dimensions, new concepts and innovative thinking. The company sought to give life to innovative ideas. This was the soul of a highly innovative company and now it has grown into a group of companies under its umbrella.
Arlene SaparamaduKent Display Systems (KDS), the first in the Kent Group, specializes in the art of Professional Picture Framing with DuraGard as its flagship product.
Its highly acclaimed product - the Stained Glass rekindled an ancient art form from cathedral domes to the homes of discerning clients in Sri Lanka and abroad.
KDS, which specializes in digital advertising services and know-how - indoor and outdoor opportunities, design and manufacture, Wrought Iron Furniture in its own light engineering facility. The Kent PhotoStory Book, the newest addition to the range, took the market by storm.
Kent Trophies & Awards (KTA) produces awards to recognize motivation, appreciation and reward business enterprises. The company is dedicated to design and manufacture trophies, awards, plaques, mementoes and corporate gifts to be awarded to achievers in schools, banks, the business world and those in state organizations. KTA is well positioned among the corporate sector and well-known for its creativity.
Kent Galleries, is a network of branches that showcase the creativity of Kent. Fourteen branches of Kent Galleries take the Kent image islandwide.
Kent Laser Technologies is the research and development wing of the Kent Group.
Innovative ideas, concepts and prototypes are researched here and the awards are turned out in manufacturing factories. Kent is an innovative company brimming with new ideas.
Arlene Saparamadu and her familyKent Display Exports is predominantly a full fledged factory specializing in wooden presentation packaging for

value addition of special products.
Kent has 10 companies in different business disciplines under the Kent Umbrella.
Q. How do you balance family life and business?
A. My husband, Gamini is the Chairman of the Kent Group of Companies. We have a daughter. Since my husband and I are involved in the business we have a good understanding. I have a busy schedule. It is difficult to balance both aspects when one is a working woman. However, it is important to strike a balance and I have got accustomed to it now. I have been a working woman throughout my life. My daughter is grown up and she is independent. I have flexible working hours and I plan my day for better time management. As I engage in social activities in the evenings I have to fulfill my business obligations. I firmly believe that every woman has a major role to play in their family.
Q. What are the challenges you faced?
A: Outdoor advertising is a male dominant job and I had to work with men, most of the time. This job requires interaction with Government institutions and in many instances I had to face many difficulties. This is really a man’s job and is a challenge. However it is important to have hands on experience.
Q. What is your advice to women in business?
A. You need targets and focus to achieve them you need to have courage to overcome obstacles. It is necessary to do your best and not stop half way. You need to ascertain who has done better than you and try to reach that level. Take one step forward and you find that there are many business opportunities for women in Sri Lanka.
Q. What are your goals?
A. My goal is to be the best always. I also intend on expanding the business to reach a wider customer base by capturing the export market.
Q. As a woman was it an advantage to be in business?
A. In some instances it was an advantage. What matters is not the womanhood or the manhood, but the way one faces challenges and moves forward.
Q. What were your achievements in business and family?
A. Among the achievements were employing hundreds of employees directly and indirectly. The individual companies being recognized, admired, acclaimed and the companies winning many accolades and awards for achieving excellence.
The Group won awards for exports from the National Chamber of Exporters, for design excellence from the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects, and for quality standards from the Ceylon National Chamber of Industry.
The company also won unique recognition awards for excellence in packaging locally from the Sri Lanka Institute of Packaging, Asia Institute of Packaging and now a World Star from the International Institute of Packaging - the highest recognition for excellence in packaging.
Q. What is your contribution to the society?
A. I was the President of the Zonta Club in 2006/8 and carried out many social service projects to improve the status of women and children in keeping with the Zonta ideals.
My main objective and focus was to educate and develop the girl child. When you educate a woman you strengthen a family.
With regard to the company, its Corporate Social Responsibility Projects are to offer employees a number of benefits as I believe charity begins at home.
Like our symbol, the Sun Flower - while deriving all our strength and energy from the brighter source, we focus our commitment on excellence towards our mission, our forte - a better tomorrow.