The Sri Lanka Institute o

SLINTEC promotes a culture that is boundryless and research friendly with a passion for Creativity and Teamwork. This is achieved by promoting values of intellectual prowess, integrity and humility. SLINTEC also strives to inspire an innovative mindset centered on sustainability and an attitude for learning, sharing and mentoring.
SLINTEC has committed itself to uphold the United Nations Global Compact Principles. SLINTEC sets the benchmark for responsible research through strict endorsement of Sustainable Projects.
Probably one of Sri Lanka’s the most significant contributions to the field of science, the term ‘Serendipity’ was coined by Horace Walpole in 1754 in a letter he wrote to his friend and derives from ‘Swarnadip’, the Sanskrit language name for the island.
Describing the ‘accidental sagacity’ in discovering the unsearched, serendipity has contributed more to science than some individuals care to admit. From Wilhelm Roentgen ‘discovering’ X-Rays to Sir Isaac Newton’s apple-induced hypothesis on gravity, serendipity has molded the world as we know today. For some of the greatest discoveries and inventions in history were never searched for by scientists.
Sri Lanka is best known even today for its breathtaking natural geology and natural commodities. SLINTEC is the modern-day Sri Lankan approach to Nanotechnology: promoting intellectual property registration and royalty management as a significant contributor to the economy. Envisioning a community where ‘accidental sagacity’ is accepted as a way of life, SLINTEC promotes continuous research into diverse technological fields in a Nano perspective.
The ‘Pearl of the Indian Ocean’, is an island full of diversity. From clear beaches of Arugam Bay to pre

Yet forgotten as of late, is that Sri Lanka is enriched by generations of scientific and economic brilliance as well.
Forgotten is the rock fortress atop the Sigiriya inselberg and the Dagobas scattered throughout the country. Forgotten is the engineering marvel of the ‘bisokotuwa’. Forgotten is the fact that Sri Lanka, along with India, holds the claim over one of the most ancient use of Nanotechnology. The Carbon Nano-tubes integrated in ‘wootz steel’, from which the fabled ‘Damascus
Steel Swords’ are believed to derive, were discovered in the ‘Samananla Weva’ area dating back to nearly 350 B.C. One need
not look far to recognize that Sri Lanka has always had a rich history of innovation, always keeping in harmony with Nature.
SLINTEC builds up on Sri Lanka’s serendipitous diverse climates and stable environments with a laboratory complex a step
ahead of modern standards to create the perfect R&D environment. By connecting the country to an extensive global resource
base, transforming Sri Lanka into a strong Nanotechnology-focused nation.
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