ICTA launched the first women’s rural BPO on March 8 to commemorate International Women's day. It is also the third rural BPO to be launched. This BPO, in the Jaffna District, is being launched in partnership with the Foundation for Advancing Rural Opportunities.

ICTA sees this as a very important milestone in its efforts at taking the benefits of ICT to every village and every citizen. More importantly it supports the Government of Sri Lanka in its efforts at ensuring an equitable development of the country. The e-Society program of ICTA has implemented over 200 ICT based projects across the country. These projects have delivered to the door step of rural communities a host of valuable services – crop price information delivered to farmers via their mobiles; coordinates for fishing locations delivered to fisherman via their mobiles; text-to- Braille software which opens up the Internet and e-mail up for the visually impaired; e-learning software that makes learning fun for children.
The very first rural BPO was opened in Mahavilachchiya in the Anuradhapura District.