Tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka is expected to exceed 600,000 for 2010 today, af
A record 72,254 tourists visited Sri Lanka in the month of November which brought the total number of arrivals for the year 2010 up to 568,000 at the end of the month. Today that number is expected to exceed 600,000 while Dr. Godahewa said that he hoped to greet the 600,000thvisitor for 2010 at the airport today. The tourist is expected to arrive on a flight from London at 3.30 p.m.
The previous record for tourism earnings was $416.8 million which was set in 2004 during the ceasefire agreement between the government and the LTTE.
Related Info:
Sri Lanka Tourism Statistics and Tourist Arrivals
November records highest number of tourists arriving in Sri Lanka in a month and 600,000th visitor for 2010 is already here!